Home / The group
Founded in 2007 in La Flèche, VISION PLAST specialises in single and bi-material injection moulding, overmoulding and electroplating for the automotive, industrial, construction and home automation sectors.
Also present in Spain since 2018, VISION PLAST offers a global solution in plastics processing by mastering all stages of development and production – from mould design, through series production to assembly and decoration of the finished part.
2007, Creation of VISION PLAST France
- Sales of 10 000 000.00 € and 50 employees
2010, First extension to the La Flèche plant
2014, Second extension to the La Flèche plant
2018, founding of VISION PLAST Levante
- Sales of 3.500 000.00 € and 40 employees
2020, construction of the new administration, warehouse and assembly building at La Flèche
Vision Plast France
Plastic injection moulding and TPE
Small, medium and large production runs.
Study, design and production
Plastic parts and tools.
Prototype and assembly
Our materials :
ABS – PA – PC – PE – PMMA – POM – PP – PS – SAN – TPE
40% of the materials we use are recycled.
Our main equipment :
- 14 presses à injecter
- 40T Billion
- 70T Negri Bossi
- 80T Billion
- 90T Billion
- 110T Battenfeld
- 150T Haitian
- 200T 2K Billion
- 320T Battenfeld
- 360T Haitian
- 400T Battenfeld
- 400T Billion
- 470T Billion
- 550T Battenfeld
- 14 robots 3 & 5 axes
Vision Plast Levante
Plastic injection moulding and TPE
Small, medium and large production runs.
Study, design and production
Plastic parts and tools.
Prototype and assembly
Our main equipment :
- 14 presses à injecter
- 60T Battenfeld
- 90T Battenfeld
- 90T Billion
- 90T Haitian
- 110T Battenfeld
- 200T Billion
- 210T Battenfeld
- 300T Battenfeld
- 350T Battenfeld
- 400T Battenfeld
- 450T Battenfeld
- 500T Battenfeld
- 14 robots 3 & 5 axes
Proyecto subvencionado por la Conselleria de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo
“VISION PLAST LEVANTE, S.L.” ha participado en el programa de Ayudas en materia de industrialización para inversiones de PYMES INDUSTRIALES de la Comunitat Valenciana que mejoren la competitividad y sostenibilidad de determinados sectores, dentro de la sexta fase de implantación del Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana, para el ejercicio 2023 (INPYME). Industria. RESOLUCIÓN de 27 de diciembre de 2022 (DOGV Num. 9501 / 30.12.2022)
Número de expediente: INPYME/2023/457
Subvención: 200.000,00 €